Tuesday, February 15, 2011

February 15th!

Good morning everyone! I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's Day Loving on someone. Such a good day to be reminded of God's Love! Yesterday I saw a facebook post and someone said "my valentine's is Jesus!"  What a great thought! Ultimately God is the center of our Love and offers us perfect Love!

Well for FBC news... In case you have not heart the education building had a pipe burst. Some church staff received a phone call Saturday morning and said that there was water seeping out of the doors.  Needless to say when people arrived they found two inches of standing water. The water was in the classrooms, choir suite, and chapel that is close to the sanctuary. And unfortunately the water seeped below the carpet and ruined the ceiling in the basement.  As a family often does everyone pulled together and was able to start the clean up process. In the mean time we will have church in the gym and they say it may be 6 to 8 weeks before we are able to get back into the sanctuary and classrooms. Please be in prayer for the church family as they work through all the details of this craziness.

While we had church in the gym last Sunday Greg continued his messages on Grace and preached from Galatians 6:11-18.  One thing that Greg said that really stuck out to me was that he reminded us that we need to humbly sit at the cross, remember the sacrifice, and accept the gift. He reminded us that we are sinners and we sin every day, and while we may hide our sins from others we can not hide them from God.  And because we are such sinners we must understand the Grace that we need so desperately. I would encourage you as Greg has encouraged us to read Galatians, it is not a long book in the bible but is packed with a lot of good information!

Lastly in other news - FBC will have a spiritual renewal meeting next Sunday. This is the 2nd meeting of its kind where Greg is asking anyone who is interested in seeing our church have spiritual renewal to come and visit as a church family.  There is a men's retreat next weekend the 25th and 26th and if you are interested in going you can still sign up. Coming up on April 1st-3rd is the 30 hr famine. If you want to help with this event at all then contact Kyle Ward! As always there is lots of going on with the focus being to Glorify God in all things!

Have a great week and talk to you all soon!

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