Tuesday, October 5, 2010

FBC Week 10-04

Can you believe that it is October? I can hardly believe it myself!! I have been in denial that summer is over but I think it is finally time to face it that fall is here and winter is approaching! I hope you are all well as you are in full blown college work. Probably have papers and books up to your ears! I do not envy you.. but "this too shall pass" :)

Anyway, an exciting week as always at FBC! We officially have a new youth minister - Kyle Ward went on the staff officially on the 1st and will experience his first Wednesday night at FBC Calimo tomorrow! He will either leave excited, overwhelmed, or exhausted! Who knows maybe all 3! Can you remeber your first time at youth group?? This last week we talked about how many people see church as a place of judgement and full of hyprocits. Any thoughts on that?? We also talked about how as a Christian you should be Changed.. you should be changed. Do you think you have let God change you? Are you different today then you were last year? Always good to evaluate ourselves and ask if we are producing good fruit or bad fruit! I hope that you are all able to find a place to grow and challeng yourself in your walk with the Lord wherever you are. Often change is uncomfortable but God has a purpose in it all!

Also we have scheduled a very important Africa meeting! We will meet Sunday the 17th at 2pm. It will be a very important meeting for anyone who thinks they might ever Go, pray for, fundraise, or support the Africa missions. If you fall under any of those categories I would really encourage you to make it to this meeting! If you absolutely can't make the meeting but want some info let me know and I will get it to you!

There are lots of other good things happening at FBC! The senior adults are always on a new adventure, the adult ministries are growing and becoming more in depth then ever, the children are multiplying by the minute it seems, and the hispanic ministry is thriving as well! In saying all of that I would love to ask for you to pray for a few things for the FBC church family.

1- Pray for the transition of our new youth minister
2 - Pray for our pastor Greg as he always carries a heavy burden and wants to always be leading God's way
3 - Pray for the other staff members as they make decisions for the good of the church family
4 - pray for the people in the church that we wouldn't be a church that puts our "christian card" in our back pocket for when needed, but would be a church that is seeking God!
5 - Pray for the people who come in contact with any FBC church member, that they would see God's love in them!

Also please let us know how we could pray for you! Would love any comments and would love to hear from you!

Prayers Always - Dawn


  1. Thanks for the updates, Dawn! I really appreciate it. I will try to make the Africa meeting for sure.

  2. I can't make the Africa meeting :(
    I do remember my first day at FBC though! well.. there are two first days I guess. one was when Rody was the leader and I was in 7th grade (I illegally went) and the other was when Ben was the leader and I thought he was a kid!
    I'm leading this girls Bible Study and our first lesson was on judgment. We talked about how if we are called to follow Jesus, that means we view people with his eyes . Speaking on being changed, when we truly realize how much Jesus loves us and what he has done for us, we will spend our entire lives working towards his goal. It's very humbling to know someone so big cares for us and wants us as part of his plan.
